Since 2002 I have been working as a
dogtrainer and shortly after that as an instructor for learning trainers..
Since Januar 2009 I have my own dog school
Hundeschule BeiFuß
Our English Springer
Spaniels (ESS) often work as therapy dogs also they are working as co-trainers
in our team.
I lead my dogs in Mantrail, ZOS, Obedience, Agility, THS (Turnierhundsport), Sporthund, for endurance testing and obviously as lap dogs ;o)
For us, it is without question that our dogs
are family members and
live in the house.
They are allowed to move freely.
We practice life in a pack even when the girls are in season.
Yes, it works! ;o)
We feed our dogs B.A.R.F. (Biologically Available Raw Food).
Our puppies' characters are extensively molded at an early state.
At the age of four weeks they visit a dog school for the first time.
grow up with children and cats and are carefully cared for by our pack of
When they go to their new homes they are chipped and wormed, have all their shots and receive a Jagspaniel Klub e.V., VDH, pedigree.
The English Springer Spaniel is the ancestor of all current Spaniel
breeds and an excellent harrier and retriever.
His average height is 51 cm, and he weights between 20 and 25 kilos. Therefore,
the ESS is particularly suitable for all kinds of dogs sport.
The ESS learns quickly, is highly motivated and full of strength and eager to
please his owner.
With his good-natured character, the ESS is an ideal family dog.
FCI-Standard and portrait :