D - Litter :   the 8 Ladies arrived at 11.7.2010     Pedigree

All puppies have found a new home.


   Rheinlandsieger   Aegir's Ohren im Wind   HD-C1                     Europajugendsieger   Brixia's Ohren im Wind   HD-A2

Aegirs passion :  just anything  ;o)                                                                                               Brixias passion :  ZOS and Agility

Both Parents :  GPRA-cord 1 clear, Gonioskopie clear, Fucosidose free, Eyes free


Puppies - Individual photos


* * *   Diary   * * *

 31.10.2010   Danu has found her Princess-place :-)


10.09.2010   A few puppies are now moved to their new families

some shots from the last fotoshoot


doooooh! how boring!

01.09.2010   Carina was visiting us and she made great photos! Many thanks Carina!!!

Hundeplatz by Carina           Fotoshoot by Carina

30.08.2010   Sport lessons in the dog school

28.08.2010   Escape to the forest and the small animal enclosure

21.08.2010   my necklace   :-D   (Dechtire)


13.08.2010   The garden is so exciting

12.08.2010   the 8 little girls has a visit from two young ladies ;o) they have made great photos :-D thanks a lot!!!




Zzzz    Zzzz

10.08.2010   the girls are so cute!

                         Danu, a glance which brings ice to melt                                                Dechtire, always funny but now she is sooooooo tired                  


Drifa, almost too cuddly for this world ;o)                                                                     Dufa, quite the daddy                               


04.08.2010   snapshots at a photo shoot  (Deirdre, Danu, Dechtire)

01.08.2010   Our eight little ladies have received their first visit

31.07.2010   Who is the loudest ???


30.07.2010   the first meal for our puppies



cuddle with mama



29.07.2010   Hey Mama, what have you got there??? Hmmmmmm yummy!


26.07.2010   WOW! Explosive! Take a deep breath and cool down! Annikki plays nana in Brixis absence.
Brixia is not amused! It crackles huge and all babies in between!
Annikki gets a sending-off. All is well! Phew!



Oh ha, Annikki don´t try to get in there,


prefer to wait and ask...   Well, it works!  :-D


These are the moments in which we think again very critically about ongoing pack attitude!
On the other hand, exactly therefor the nature has set it up
A family pack has fascinating dynamics.

24.07.2010   the first steps and wrangles,   the first open eyes


23.07.2010   Brixia and Dufa

Brixia gets help from Annikki                                                                                 Hey!!! MAMA!!! nobody can reach it!!!


22.07.2010   All eight, 11 days old

18.07.2010   What´s going on? Brixia acept help from Astrild and Annikki :-D




16.07.2010   Brixi is feeling better   :-D   She is walking again and eats well too.
The fever is still not completely gone and she still gets Medis (safe for puppies of course) but she is feeling better and better!


13./14.07.2010   Brixia gets suddenly high fever at night, she did not go well.
In her uterus is remained too much fluid, for any reason whatsoever?! The birth went smoothly and quietly.

13.07.2010   Brixia and her girls

11.07.2010   Brixia´s 8 little Ladies   :-D

Aegir has the permission to look on


09.07.2010   Brixia on her daily round, no matter how hot, no matter how pregnant, order must be   ;o)


09.07.2010   Grandma Lilly and dad Aegir prefer waiting for the puppies in the whelping box.

04.07.2010   All look out: "Where are the babies? From where they will arrive?"   ;o)

30.06.2010   we have re-assembled the whelping box in the living room and sometimes Brixia sleeps in it to check it out  ;o)


11.6.2010   "Brixi come out of the hole! The whelping den is much too small!"
"No, the crow's nest also does not work"
2.6.2010   we expect puppies for 13.7.2010
11.-13.5.2010   Aegir and Brixia enjoyed their honeymoon ;-)

28.04.2010   Brixia is in season

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